Bachie Boo
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It's a dog's life

When can we go on our holiday? :'(

Halo Batam

Departure from Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal for a one night escapade to Batam.

A very tired uncle on board. Taking hint from his red windbreaker, he is most likely a gambler.

 Delicious lunch greeted us...on the house!

The resort that we stayed in. Batam View - a very cozy and neat resort.

I wished they had served me Indonesian cuisine.

This cake is really sedap!

 Our sea-front balcony. Love it!

Okay I cheated. I manipulated this photo :p

This is how it should look like with minimal manipulation.

B's best-loved hobby. It's too bad that the fishes were tad too small.

Coupled with our shared hobby, this trip was made in heaven. Voila!

@ Jetty to catch sotong

My first slow shutter speed attempt without the help of a tripod...
Makes me realise how important a portable mini tripod is.

The shutter speed was so slow that I could capture the stars.
Couldn't get enough of it. 
I hope this photo is arty enough...

M was so sweet. She arranged this cake to pre-celebrate our wedding anniversary...

I also wanna balcony like this. Sit here for a cuppa.
Pathetic catch of the afternoon...

Brand New in Box Canon EOS 1000D for Sale

Are you an aspiring photography hobbyist who's looking for a DSLR camera? 

Do you want to take a picture that has clear focus on your main object but blur background? 

You can do it with a DSLR Camera. 

Now selling Brand New in Box Canon EOS 1000D @ $750, originally at $850.  Comes with a 18-55mm kit lens.

Wanna know what kinda photos you can take with your brand new Canon EOS 1000D? Here are some good examples taken by real people...

 Source: Club 1000D on Facebook

Well?  :)

Email me at if you're keen to be the new owner of the Canon EOS 1000D.


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