Bachie Boo
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King of Pop is dead

It came as a shocking news.

The King of Pop, Michael Jackson passed on suddenly at 2.26pm LA time today.

Click HERE for the report and view his photo gallery.

What do I think of the King's death?

I think his death came at the right time.

Couldn't be more timely.

People can quit giving him the dirty looks.

They can also quit guessing if his concerts will fail or not.

His death helped him retain his King of Pop's status.

I feel that it's better for him this way.

Anyway, did you know why he died?

The day Farrah Fawcett went to heaven.

The angels praised her for behaving well on earth and asked her to make a wish as a reward.

She wished that all the children on earth would be safe.

So the next day, Mr Michael Jackson died.




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