Bachie Boo
this site the web

Amateur Photog Hobbyist - On The Loose!

I finally got the DSLR from my boss. It's not a 450D though. He sold me his EOS50D instead. A higher grade version and still at a very good price. I like :)

Here are some of the photos I've taken with it. I still need a lot of training.

My first model at home...

I like this photo very's the lighting, shadow and feel. Like a very old and experienced dog. Well, experienced photographer may argue otherwise.

The joker of my family isn't very photogenic. He's still a sweetheart nonetheless

My unsuspecting father and his slippers

The remains of my dinner - homemade oven-baked chicken. The focus of this photo is really off.

Our complimentary cake from Coffee Club.

Washed it down with refreshing Rambutan Freeze



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