Bachie Boo
this site the web

So this is my life.

As I was browsing through my childhood photos, an overwhelming wave of emotions swept over me.

This is my life - so far.

I may not be the president of the United States.

I may not have won an award in my line of work (although I'm proud to have received Employee of the Year award in a relatively big company *beams*).

I did touch somebody's life.

Just my simple gesture of ...

>giving the auntie by the roadside $10 for 1 pack of tissue or
>telling a lame joke that made someone laugh or
>saying something wise once in a while

...did touch him/her at that time.

Perhaps nobody will remember me when they die.

But I know, I did impact someone, at some point of their life.

Perhaps that's the meaning of life.

Be someone to somebody at some point of their life.



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