Bachie Boo
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Recycle me well...

Got a small farewell gift for a little girl who's going to further her studies in Oz ....The point is,...I feel so pleased for keeping the box that came with the bottle of Singapore Sling I bought previously. Keke...You see, I'm a sucker for packaging. I can never bear to throw these nice boxes quite a few of them at home :p Are you a sucker like me too?

Haven't got the time to blog lately. Well, the truth is, it's a convenient excuse for my lacklustre albeit busy life. Lately, my daily routine has always been work and mahjong plus some occasional house-hunting. I figured that since I'm gonna embark on a no-return uphill journey to attain my MBA, I better enjoy how ever much I can before the shit hits the fan. Yes it's that bad because I ain't exactly the-best-student-in-class sort.

Getting into NTU is almost like a dream come through especially for polytechnic graduates like me who weren't privy or some many say good enough to be accepted by local universities. I'm blessed to have my course fully paid for by my company and SPRING Singapore. Without them, I would never dream of doing this. Special thanks to my CEO and CFO who have helped me so much to get this and thanks to them for pre-granting me so much time off work to complete this.

Cheers to the time I have now. Enjoy yours too!


haru said...

congrats peng! hvnt being catching up with u. hv a good jorney being student again!

Another Boo Boo by Bachie said...

Thanks babe! :D....Catch up with you soon...


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