Bachie Boo
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Which property would you buy?

This is not one of those rhetorical questions.

I found some properties within my budget but they're of various sizes and locations.

If you were me, which one would you go for, taking the future potential value etc into consideration.

Please click on the table to view. Sorry I don't know how to make it bigger.

Note: there's an error.
For the property at Braddell, "Nearer to town" is a pro.

All comments are greatly appreciated.



I went for a viewing at the Tampines/Pasir Ris corner terrace.
I looooooove the house.

Today's verse

How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you.

Psalm 31:19 (NIV)


Anonymous said...

I will consider the Townhouse in Braddell district with the 1 you like in Tampines/Pasir Ris.

Comparing accessibility via public transport, the Braddell Townhouse wins hands down. Unless you drive... but in case your car breaks down or something, being closer to heartland amenities saves lots of trouble.

Prices for both are fairly close. You may want to weigh which 1 is more important - size or accessibility. But with 2,500 sqf for Braddell Townhouse being acceptable, it'll be a better bet.

However, the final decision is yours based on factors such as interior layout, design, condition of the property and of course, your taste preference/lifestyle.

Check with your real estate advisor (if you have) on whether the prices listed by sellers for both properties are within reasonable range based on Current Market Analysis (prices transacted reflected in caveats lodged for similar sized properties in the vicinity).

SgPropertyAnalyst said...

Hi Bachie,

First of all prior to answering your question, what is your purpose of buying the property? For investment or for your own use? This might lead to different answers.

Another Boo Boo by Bachie said...

Thanks Kevin for your advice. Your opinion is really good. Gives me a lot to think about.

Hi SgPropertyAnalyst, I'm buying to stay with the intention to leverage on future capital gains. My ultimate aim is to achieve financial freedom.


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