Bachie Boo
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Chic up your bedrooms!

Lately I'm in the mood for some serious DIY.

C'mon. Get your head outta the gutter.

I meant DIY - Home Decor.

Before we made an offer for the house and before it was rejected, I fantasized about how I'll be doing up our newly 'acquired' 2-storey home. Now friends, before you get all excited that I finally found a place, I haven't. I'm still in a position where I get to see property prices go up uppp upppp right before my eyes. *sighs*

Anyway, I am particularly interested in DIY because we have to keep the cost down. B & I ain't exactly anywhere near millionaire status so we need to keep our expenses at bay. Besides, as you might already know, I'm pretty house-proud. It would give me even more satisfaction when one of my 'understudied' DIY creation turns out well. Why 'understudied'? Because I'm not all that original & creative. I usually gather my ideas from loads of pictures from different websites before deciding what I'll settle for eventually.

In this post, I'll share some cheap & chic ideas to update your bedroom. Once again, please take note that these pictures ain't mine. They were originally taken from various websites such as,,, etc. Please visit them if you like these photos.

The ideas that I'm about to present you can definitely be DIYed. Materials are also readily available in Singapore. If you need certain suppliers, leave me a comment and I'll try to pass them to you, if I have.

By the way, if you would like to showcase your work here, please email them to me at bachie. . :)


From a potential looking headboard....

Transformed to...retro headboard in a really nice colour. Those stuff on top of the headboard ain't my favourite though. Cute puppy. Do you know what breed issit? Look at the bottom of this picture for answer

It should be a Border Collie

From a boring looking small mirror (Ikea Malma Mirror at S$3.95 each)

To a sophisticated headboard

Alot more to come...

Let your imaginations run wild!!



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