Bachie Boo
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Are local celebs, celebs?

Do you suppport local celebrities? Well,....I don't but I respect some of them for their talents and humour.

One of them is Bryan Wong. Don't think he's siao siao man in person just because he's siao siao on screen. Judging from his blog (, this man is actually more melancholic than anyone else. I guess his melancholic self is needed to balance his crazy persona on TV.He's also quite talented. Sometimes I wish I know this man personally. Not because he's a celeb, but because he genuinely seems like a nice friend to have.

I particularly like his taste and penchant for interior designing. If you have never caught an episode of Home Decor on Channel 8, check out some of the before-and-after photos taken by Bryan. I'm sure after seeing them, you will go wahhhhh...

If you like his work, visit his blog regularly for weekly updates.

Home Decor 4: Episode 1 - Rustic Contemporary









Episode 2 - Modern Southeast Asia








Episode 3 - Classical Chic






Episode 4 - Garden Art










I like Garden Art & Rustic Contemporary the best. What about you?


Anonymous said...

I love this a lot! Where can we find the beautiful fern that is on one of the wall? And also the black & white binds?? Many cheers to your great work!!! Love it!!!

Another Boo Boo by Bachie said...

I wish I can take the credit but these are all done by Bryan Wong (the Mediacorp Artiste)

You may want to leave a comment for him on his blog at

Cheers :)


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