Bachie Boo
this site the web

The most my life

B said probably the most romantic phrase in my life that made me cry *under the influence of alcohol*....

he said if I ever die before him,

...he wanna die with me.

I wept immediately.

it's the most romantic phrase i've ever heard in my life!

just for the record, B,....

I wanna die when you do too. I love you too much to let you queue alone.

I love you.

it's been 5 years, i wanna spend many more sets of 5 years with you.

p/s: i wish i can touch you to tears one day.

Sex and the City

It's a good thing that HBO is running Sex and the City again. I really really love this show. Everytime I watch it, it never fail to walk me down the memory lane - back to more than 5 years ago before I am B's missus.

I have mixed feelings about singlehood and the dating scene. I have to confess that I was once a love masochist. No, I'm not talking about kamasutra or sex here. Hello!!

I mean I used to like the feeling of sadness from my relationships. You know what I mean? The heartache, the crying etc. 

Of course when it happened then, I felt so bad that I thought I wouldn't be able to survive the ordeal. On hindsight, I kinda enjoy it. Sometimes I miss it so much that I try to induce the same feeling every now and then by watching soppy movies. Isn't this masochism? 

Having said that, although I miss singlehood, but no thanks, don't put me back there again. I love B and I love where I am now too much and I wouldn't risk it ever for anything. 

I hope you too will treasure what you have with your significant other. At the end of the day, apart from your parents and siblings, he/she is the closest thing you have on earth. 

Happy Valentine's Day, everyday :)

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