Bachie Boo
this site the web

I wish you a SUPER DUPER SONIC Happy 2010!

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!

How was New Year's Eve for you?

Did you welcome the new year with a group of good friends, quietly with your family or simply alone?

Whichever way, it doesn't matter as long as you spent the time, just the way you liked it.

I spent it in style with a group of good friends whom we fondly call ourselves "The Gossippers" for obvious reasons. :)

Unlike previous years when we usually meet on Christmas Eve at one of our homes to welcome Christmas, we totally broke the rule in 2009 by meeting on New Year's Eve at a serviced apartment in Singapore.

It was the best decision we ever made.

Through one of our connections, we managed to book a Somerset Compass 3 bedroom apartment at the eleventh hour.

We had a fantastic time, can. Thank you guys, for making the last day of 2009 memorable. *big smiles*



april said...

woo hoo! just wanna leave my paw print here, love the celebration, love u guys!

Another Boo Boo by Bachie said...

Hehe. All my friends love the goodie bags and party passes designed by Heage. I'm so happy that we have talented beings amongst us :)


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