Bachie Boo
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Christian the Lion

Have you heard of Christian the Lion? I haven't until today. The story about this lion moved me to tears. Watch the video for the full story.

was a lion originally purchased by Australians John Rendall and Anthony "Ace" Bourke from Harrods department store of London in 1969 and ultimately reintroduced to the wild by conservationist George Adamson. One year after George Adamson released Christian to the wild, his former owners decided to go looking for him in Africa to see whether Christian would remember them.... [abstracted from]


heage said...

Very touching. I teared as well, each time I watched it. Hehe!

Thanks for sharing this. Hope you are coping well lately.

Another Boo Boo by Bachie said...

So touching hor. I wanna keep a lion as pet!!


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