Bachie Boo
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Bachie's Minestrone Recipe

B has been bugging me for this recipe ever since I promised to post my recipe here. He simply couldn't stand the fact that he isn't the only one at home who's a natural cook. It's hilarious.

Anyway, here's my minestrone recipe that I promised you. It's very simple to cook. Try it and let me know if you like it, can?

Preparation of Ingredients
5 - 6 sticks of big carrots > dice into 1cm X 1cm cubes
5 - 6 tomatoes > sliced into smaller pieces (don't worry much about making these look good as they'll dissolve in the soup)
3 yellow onions > dice
3 Potatoes > dice into 1cm X 1cm cubes
1 can of kidney beans
1 bottle / can of tomato paste/puree
1 big pack of chicken stock

Throw in everything into a pot and boil until the carrots are soft. Then add salt to taste.

Easy Peasy?

I told you it'll be uncomplicated.


Another Boo Boo by Bachie said...

Okay this one I rock. *smirks* I'm a natural cook :) *flips hair*


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