Bachie Boo
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Power of persuasion without even trying...

One of the most effective closing techniques is assumption close. Many of us use it all the time and some of us don't even realise it.

That's kinda how B and I got married. I didn't get a uber heart-wrenching proposal from him. There wasn't "Will you marry me?". We just went straight ahead to "eh, should we get executive mansionette or condo?" How unromantic. I think we both behaved this way because both of us were salespeople in one way or another. We make two practical people. We knew what was the bottomline and we just went straight ahead.

I got to know what assumption close is when I was working as a fundraiser. I must say it is one of the best techniques that helped me raise more money for the needy.

Assumption close is so powerful that it eliminates most of the selling process. Instead of asking questions that will lead to a "yes" or "no", ask questions that will lead to any answer other than "yes" or "no". Get it? I hope so.

The next time you want to ask someone out, don't ask if she's free. Ask if she prefers Italian or Chinese food. If she says neither, just move on. She's just not that into you. Well, that's a totally different topic altogether. :p



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