Bachie Boo
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Dad, get well please.

My dad is diagnosed with stage 3/early stage 4 locally advanced stomach cancer.

Initially the news came to me like thunder to a tree. I couldn't stop crying. I kept thinking about how hard he worked to take care of my brother and I. Yet we aren't given enough time to repay his kindness. I'm sure my brother felt the same way. He cried as hard as I did.

These are all negative thoughts. I/we shouldn't think this way.

For HE will protect our earthly father.

I have faith that my dad has many years to come. Many years for us to take care of him.

Thanks to my beloved relatives and friends. Their concerns and prayers really touched me.

My dad will be well again. He will.

This is my dad when he was 26 years old (I think)...

Dad again when he was 28 years old...

He is the kindest man I've ever met.

I love you Dad.

P/S: I wanna thank B for waking up early daily to cook for dad. You're the best.


AhLing said...

Chanced upon your blog. Just wanna say that I share your grief and sadness. My brother was diagnosed with stomach cancer 5 years ago. It was indeed difficult when our family first learnt of the news. I know that you will be of good cheer for your father. Keep going and God bless

Another Boo Boo by Bachie said...

Thanks a lot, Ah Ling for sharing my grief. My dad is looking quite good lately after the chemo. Hope this continues on. Have a great weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

hi Bachie. tis Vernis from CC. Sorry to read abo your papa's current situation. do take extra care of yr papa, all at home & yrself too. Life is unpredictable but what stands true is that you have a great papa & he has a great gal & a good famili. you will oways be his lil gal, now just shoulder everything like an adult to show him his lil gal is a great woman now. Take care, my papa didn't want me & my mama many years ago. its great to have yr papa with u. cherish all moments with him. read yr employer is supportive, its a relief. take care....


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