Bachie Boo
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Donate blood. Save Lives.

I have never donated blood in my life.

I'm ashamed to say that I haven't.


Because I'm petrified of needles. I am scared :'(

But don't be affected by me please because my friends have assured me that blood donation is not as painful as we/I think. Most importantly, our blood can save lives. What's more important than to see a family rejoice over the recovery of their loved ones? I know it because my dad was in need of blood infusion for several days due to his stomach cancer.

Singapore Red Cross Society is looking for blood donors. Can you do a good deed?

Click on the banner ad in my blog (if you see it) to find out more.

Donate blood. Save Lives.

I will go with B to donate blood when I'm back from India.

I'm A+, he's O.

What are you?



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