Bachie Boo
this site the web

What are friends for?

Forever friends ???????

Maybe not.

Recently, many of my facebook friends have been complaining about the pain or unhappiness caused by their so-called friends. The stories are almost the same. They are hurt because of betrayal. They are hurt because of hypocrisy.

Why must we treat each other like this? We are friends after all, aren't we?

No matter what, we have spent good and memorable times with each other, right?


Well I kept dwelling on it and realised that I'm actually committing the same 'crime' as well. I think I'm a hypocrite. I would actually rather have a relationship with that someone whom I don't fancy much because I don't want to tear the group apart.

Is that hypocrisy?

Yeah, I think so.

But I reckon that also meant trying to live and let live.

We make friends because we want to have fun together and to have a shoulder when we need to cry on.

Whatever it is, the most important thing is friends shouldn't take advantage of one another. Relationship is about give and take, if you just take and take, how can?

I don't think anyone can be completely happy and complaint-free about anyone else.

How can?

Even couples squabble and complain about one another.

Siblings do that.

Friends will do that too.

I guess we just need to learn how to tolerate better and let go of small issues that won't kill us.

Grow up, can?

I hate it when I'm betrayed and so for the same reason, I try not to betray my friends.

Sounds very juvenile?

Believe me. Even the older generations also have problems with the concept of the so-called friends.

You and I are not alone.

Who knows what will happen in the future.

Meanwhile, just embrace in each other's company and treasure everyday we have together.

So who's your BFF?



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